Head on down to Abma's Farm Market and Nursery this Saturday, May 1, and help to raise funds for the Friendly Farming Fundraiser! The quaint, family owned farm is located in Wyckoff and is complete with a petting zoo featuring new born goats, sheep and bunnies, pony rides, a market filled with homegrown, fruits, veggies and baked goods, a greenhouse overflowing with flowers and plants, and plenty of room for your little ones to run.
The Friendly Farming Fundraiser will take place from 10am until 3pm and will revolve around a "Pet-a-thon" that will take place at the Petting Zoo. Visitors can come pledge to "pet for compassion" and make a donation to Compassion in World Farming. Compassion in World Farming fights against inhumane factory farming methods and promotes compassionate methods of farming because "good food comes from animals who've had a good life." (www.ciwf.org) Factory farming is the biggest case of cruelty to animals in the world and not many people know where their food is coming from. They work with political groups and farms around the world to ensure animals are treated humanely and that the food that's produced is subsequently high quality and healthier than factory farming alternatives. Among their achievements, the organization got farm animals recognized as "sentient beings" under UK law which means they're capable of feeling and understanding pain.
So, plan a fun filled day at Abma's Farm this Saturday, for your family and for your kids. You will not only get everyone out of the house and into some fresh air, but you will be helping out a good cause as well.
Check out the website for driving directions and regular farm hours: Abma's Farm
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